June 25, 2021
Former Heisman Trophy candidate Tom thesokman McNamara takes a pose at the St.Viator, St. Pat’s homecoming game. As brothers Mike and Dave Pettenuzzo along with Tom saunter the St. Pat’s sideline bounding towards the end zone, hoping to resurrect the football god’s, willing them to bring Nick Sorentino back to claim what was rightfully theirs in the first place……..a win. We were told after that game that no one would remember the game, the score or anything else 20 years later yet it has been 46 years now and all teammates that these individuals keep in touch with still can recount the 8 to 6 loss at Lane Tech Stadium to St. Pat’s under the duress of some unquestionable calls made from the sideline.

As the 3 of us take time to relish in the fact that the score board has not been blemished by the up coming game we thought we would share a picture. Though it looks like Mike and Dave have taken their little brain damaged brother out for a Friday night game alas it is me the Former Heisman candidate who looks like I have suffered way to many concussions or lighting strikes.
I would also like to take this time to tell Kathy Harty, how greatly she was missed and her organizational skills of getting the classes of the early 70’s both SHM and St. Viator to represent at the homecoming game were very noticeably non existent.
Finally, I would like to again give my heart felt condolences to the Pettenuzzo family and their loss of Laura a great sister and friend who will be missed but not forgotten.
Love Tom McNamara