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Book Review

The Gift of Acabar

Published: 1 January 1983

This is a book for those who believe in miracles and can still hear the sleigh bells ringing on Christmas. We all have hopes, dreams and lives to live as we choose in most cases. Tulo is a small child in a tiny little village in the wilderness in an area called Lapland the northernmost regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland and even Russia it is one of the most brutal environments to survive in, yet for Tulo it is a playground that will develop him into a young adult faster than he should have developed, he will learn lessons most of us won’t learn in a lifetime and he will give of himself more than most of us will ever dream of giving. In the end Tulo gives his village a gift that cannot be repaid but if you look up you will see his gift in the sky most nights when the sky is clear and the stars are bright. Thank You again OG Mandino for giving me apart of your life to gleen a grain of knowledge from.

The Greatest Miracle In The World

Published: 1 January 1983

I must admit that this book is not new to me and I have read it at the start of every year for the past 10 years. I consider it my favorite book, OG Mandino is my favorite author and Simon Potter the main character gives me hope every time I renew my acquaintance with him letting me know God does walk among us. If you are looking for a miracle and we are all in desperate need of miracles you will have to go no further than this book. Simon Potter delivers a manuscript to OG Mandino’s office set in Chicago while being president of W. Clement Stones Success Magazine. This book will leave you mesmerized, give you renewed faith in yourself and the belief that glass geraniums do exist. Both books are must reads and great gift books

Breaking Away

Published: 25 October 2016

The second book I was so excited to dive into because it was a hockey book and as you all know I live for hockey. This was a book more about the survival of childhood abuse under the hands of Patrick O’Sullivan’s father who was a sadistic man who felt that he knew how to make his son not only better than Wayne Gretzky or Alex Ovechkin but that he knew more hockey than most individuals who played in the NHL. The book starts off very well and Patrick describes in detail his games and the abuse he takes after each minute spent on and off the ice. Again at first his descriptions were in great detail but as the book wore on and I do mean it wore on he lost himself in every practice and game. I understand setting a stage but he continued with each league, each practice, each game from the age of 10 to the end of his career in the NHL. Now mind you Patrick was a very talented hockey player who would have made it on his own just because he had the skills, knowledge and ability to play at the elite level but his father ruined him, his chances to go in the first round and as time went one Patrick himself. The best part of this book is more about teaching people to be aware of child abuse by teacher, coaches, parents or anyone who has contact with the person. It teaches you to not look the other way, that you should step in and ask questions. Patrick prayed for anyone to take notice of his falling asleep in classes, his lacklustre interest towards anything, and his inability to socialize with anyone at anytime. In this respect the book was very good in giving details of a madman gone crazy, a family that was in denial of anything happening and the loss of innocence.

Virgin Territory

Published: August 8, 2017

If you have an interest in cross-country running, track and field, want an idea of what it takes to become an Olympian, how to think outside the box by creating a business while training and competing at the world-class level this is a book that you should not miss. As an Illinoisan and high school runner myself during Craig’s hay day the names, places, events in Illinois got my juices flowing for the good old days. This book will bring out endorphins as you head up hills, take blind turns and crevasse switchbacks of a runner who had more injuries than a battered battle-axe medieval warrior who endured the pain overcame adversity, jealousy, made 3 Olympic Teams, ran in 10 World Cross Country Championships, 7 AAU Track and Field Championships, 4 NCAA National Championships survived an automobile accident that would have left most people dead and came back to run again. This is a book I would recommend for anyone looking for motivation to get up in the morning.

Imagine Heaven

Published: 1 July 2017

A little disappointed this month with my 2 choices of books, I always try to find one motivational book and another genre. This month was no different but just the books were more of a chore to get through than enjoyment with that being said they both had some great points of interest but the books became monotonous and groundhogish (if that is a word) after a while. The first book Imagine Heaven: Near Death Experiences by John Burke. The book became very boring after the 10th personal experience of someone dying and them sharing their story with close to the same information as the person before. I did like that it referenced the Bible passages and the visual image that the Bible is described to show of what heaven looks like but for me that was the highlight…..sorry John I am not critique but for me it just was not enjoyable.